abYbank / WHOINNIG

Antibody data resources


WHOINNIG (World Health Organization International Nonproprietary Naming Committee Immunoglobulins) contains FASTA sequences for antibodies extracted from the WHO INN Recommended Names documents.

This resource is still under development and some checking of sequences still needs to be performed! Use with caution!

Latest File:

File Date Link
whoinnig_latest.faa 23.11.2016 Download

Previous Files:

File Date Link
whoinnig_20161123.faa 23.11.2016 Download


WHOINNIG is a FASTA file containing antibody sequences extracted from the recommended names documents of the World Health Organization (WHO) International Nonproprietary Naming (INN) committee.

The original documents may be obtained as PDF files or the individual sequences in Word files from MedNet INN.

The Word documents from MedNet INN are automatically converted to plain text using LibreOffice and the sequences extracted and formatted as FASTA. Some sequences (particularly for older entries) are only available as images, and we have extracted these using optical character recognition using tesseract followed by manual checking. Unfortunately sequence data are not available for some of the earliest entries.